Funds in Education

Building a school and orphanage for 100 kids in Uganda Fund
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Building a school and orphanage for 100 kids in Uganda Fund
EDUCATION FOR 100 KIDS IN UGANDA SUMMARY Today, education remains an inaccessible right for millions of children around the world. When a child doesn’t have access to a school it impacts every part of their life - from worldviews to life expectancy to likelihood of violence and prevalence of disease. A school is a spark which begins to shape it all. CHALLENGE "Smile for Africa foundation" has the courage to realize the dream of buying land and build a school and orphanage for around 100 kids in rural Uganda. Today the kids are living and studying in constructions, which can hardly be called “house” and “school”. In conditions of misery and constant morbidity the kids could not receive good education, which they deserve. You can see from the video how the kids are living today. SOLUTION With the donations made to this project "Smile for Africa foundation" will buy land and will build nursery and primary school, where every day 100 kids will have access to education. On the other hand, the foundation will build an orphanage house, which will improve the living conditions and will give hope for a better life. LONG-TERM IMPACT Giving children the opportunity to explore and study is an important first step to their independence. Education is fundamental to sustainable development, it is a powerful driver for reducing poverty and improving health. Giving kids knowledge is giving them a better FUTURE.