Black Girls Code Inc
Black Girls Code (BGC) ensures that Black girls believe they belong in tech and launch them with the skills, opportunities, and resources to lead.
Blacks in Technology Foundation
Blacks in Technology Foundation's goal is to “stomp the divide” between Black tech workers and to fundamentally influence and effect change on the tech industry by leveling the playing field through training, education, networking, and mentorship with the support of allies, partners, sponsors, and global members.
Hope Gain Center of West Michigan
Hope Gain Center increases the ability of those who live with mental illness to get and keep long-lasting careers by connecting them with legitimate remote opportunities through community engagement opportunities, workshops, training, and a remote career database.
New York Urban League Inc
The New York Urban League empowers African Americans and other underserved communities to secure a first-class education, economic self-reliance and equal respect of their civil rights through programs, services and advocacy.